I really miss Tennant! Especially since Matt is running around wearing his clothes, using his sonic screwdriver, and saying his lines ("wibbly wobbly timey wimey" and more importantly, the "what?!" that should be Tennant-trademarked).

I'm not actually sure if I don't like Matt Smith (yet) or if I'm just sad that I won't see David Tennant's face on the Doctor anymore. I wonder what the Doctor feels/thinks, regenerating from the wonderful David Tennant into...Matt Smith. I'm not saying he's not good looking, it's just that Tennant is so much of my type that I prefer him to pretty much anyone.
I do like little Amelia Pond, though. I'm currently undecided on grown-up Amy (Karen Gillan), but I'm probably gonna grow to like her. From the glimpses of online threads that I've tried to avoid, I think people generally dislike Amy at first but grow to like her. On the other hand, from the few minutes of Rory Williams (Arthur Darvill) on screen, I'm pretty sure I'm going to enjoy him on the show. He might actually make up (a tiny bit) for the lack of Tennant.
Okay, I'm done.
A little observation on the Eleventh Doctor: he kinda walks funny. And he talks funny with a funny accent. Wonder how many episodes it will take me to get used to this Doctor.
And I think this is the scene where the new Doctor announces his arrival, going through Ten's hologram with his new "look".
Well, I'm definitely gonna be missing Tennant for a bit longer, but I am looking forward to my journey with Eleven, Amy, and Rory. It really does seem like a brand new show now, with a new TARDIS and a new sonic screwdriver.
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