I have just finished season 2 of
The West Wing and, I have to say, this might be the best television show I've ever watched.
That doesn't say much, that's for sure – it's not like I've watched that many TV shows – but even when on paper, I'm not particularly interested in the subject, I can't seem to stop plowing through the episodes. I watched season 2 in 2 days!
I don't understand, nor was I interested in, the American government. This is one of those shows that I feel are smarter than I am. It's incredible to see the variety of issues that these people have to deal with on a daily basis. It shows how essential loyalty and friendship are between these very important people, to be able to do what they do.
It took me quite a few episodes to grasp the different characters and their positions within the White House. And even after two seasons, I'm still confused as to what their roles are. The senior staff seem to be doing everything important, instead of each having their own particular function. Or maybe there is, but I'm just not getting it. Again, the show feels smarter than I am; so I probably missed a lot of things – something which I tend to do, especially when I go through episodes as quickly as I do.
I did develop a crush on Josh Lyman (
Bradley Whitford); and I think he and Donna have the most adorable boss-assistant relationship and friendship. I just love their banter.
I honestly don't know how to stop myself from watching more episodes tonight. I think I need a little break from it; and it'd be nice to go a little slower and save more episodes for the upcoming weeks, but that seems unlikely. I'm still debating whether I should start watching season 3 tonight or wait until at least tomorrow morning. Oh, who am I kidding; I'm probably gonna watch season 3 right after I publish this post!