Thursday, May 30, 2013

Joss Whedon stuff (I'm terrible at titling posts)

Joss Whedon has been doing the rounds promoting Much Ado About Nothing (now that he's a famous Hollywood director, he's doing a lot more of these).

This Q&A, like pretty much every one of them he's done, also covers Firefly and Avengers. This one is very interesting:
On the nebulous cinematic rights to the character Quicksilver, and whether Bryan Singer's decision to include him in "X-Men: Days of Future Past" will affect his inclusion in "Avengers 2"…

"And so continues the Q and not-A… That's not something I can really talk about, but Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch are going to be in the movie and they're going to be AWESOME."

I mean, I don't know much about these characters, and I don't really understand the whole rights thing, but I think this issue is funny in a sad way. To my knowledge, Joss has hinted at their inclusion in Avengers 2 from awhile back (he mentioned a brother and sister combo), but he never really confirmed that they would be Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch until recently. I didn't hear him actually mention them until after Evan Peters is announced as Quicksilver for X-Men: Days of Future Past. All I know is that X-Men Quicksilver can't mention his ties to the Avengers, and Avengers Quicksilver can't mention that he's a mutant.

As someone who doesn't read the comic books (such as I), it might be pretty confusing to see two different actors who play the same character in two different universes. Actually, it might be even more confusing for comic book readers who know Quicksilver as one character in both universes. In any case, I don't know if my brain will be able to separate the two characters. I am intrigued to see how different/similar he would be in both movies. More importantly, I'm just happy that I'm so excited about *both* movies. I always say that I wish the other studios should just sell the rights back to Marvel, but FOX is doing all right with the X-Men reboot.

Joss's first late night show appearance

He appeared on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon and I'm glad that his first late night appearance is on Jimmy Fallon's show, but it was a little awkward. Maybe he'll get used to these type of shows, or maybe he's just more comfortable in the Q&A format where he has more time and freedom to spew his brilliance, I was just happy to see him on TV.

Here's a nice article on the shooting of Much Ado About Nothing, written by an extra. I can almost see it, I can almost feel like being there. I really can't wait to see the movie, to see Joss's house.

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